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Student wellbeing and mental health

Intellectual growth and academic achievement should not come at the expense of wellbeing. Together, we can create a culture at Harvard that embraces the importance of mental health and wellbeing.

Prioritizing your wellbeing

Expanding your wellbeing

Spiritual wellbeing

A person lighting candles
Meet Harvard’s chaplains, learn more about the Memorial Church, or find retreats or quiet places to reflect.

Join a group

people celebrating in front of a setting sun
CAMHS offers an array of virtual programs for students to promote mental well-being every semester.

Mind-body connection

Rocks stacked on each other near the beach
Mindfulness invites us to slow down and live in the present moment. Learn more about mindfulness or take a class in yoga or meditation.

Support your recovery

A person jogging.

Learn more about CAMHS resources to support your recovery from addiction, or explore alcohol and substance prevention information at the Center for Wellness and Health Promotion.

Climate and sustainability

A green forest
Learn more about the Office of Sustainability’s work across campus or the work of the Harvard University Center for the Environment.

Find an off-campus health provider

A person using a laptop
Students may seek out or be referred to mental health providers off-campus for a variety of reasons. See Finding Mental Health Care Off Campus for more information.

Community support

Harvard Counseling and Mental Health Services

Offers counseling and mental health support for students, as well as telehealth information.

Harvard University Student Health Program

Provides information on getting started, enrolling, policies, and other resources.

Office for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

Works across Harvard to create capacity, build community, and spark innovation in support of antiracist and inclusive initiatives.

Office for Gender Equity (OGE)

Offers prevention and education initiatives; Title IX resources, including the provision of supportive measures, anonymous disclosure through the ROAD, and formal complaint processes; confidential and privileged support through SHARE counseling (see below for further information).


Provides confidential and privileged support for those impacted by sexual harassment, stalking, abusive relationships, and gender discrimination.

Harvard University Disability Resources

Serves as a central resource on disability-related information.

Harvard International Office

Supports international students around immigration issues, financial questions, adjustment to life in the United States (U.S.), and community resources.

Harvard Global Support Services

Provides advice, tools, and resources to support safe and healthy international travel, including International SOS—a 24/7 emergency response program for medical, mental health, and security support and evacuation services.

Harvard Ombuds Office

A confidential resource to help you voice concerns, clarify goals and consider options so you can make your own best decisions about next steps.

More CAMHS resources

The health services office

CAMHS offers a wide variety of resources to help navigate anxiety and stressful situations. Explore CAMHS resources.

More Center for Wellness and Health Promotion resources

A sign that says center for wellness

Wellbeing is influenced by so many factors. Learn more about how to support healthy sleep habits, improve your nutrition, and more. Learn more about the Center for Wellness and Health Promotion.

School-based resources

Visit your School’s wellbeing website below for information on additional services and resources.